Kaia Naturals The Takesumi Detox Overnight Dry Shampoo

I've been on a quest for a healthier-to-breathe powder dry shampoo for a while. I've found an great option from Kaia Naturals!

It contains:
  • Rice Starch
  • Arrowroot powder
  • Tapioca starch
  • Diatomaceous Earth
  • Kaolin
  • Pigment
  • Indian sandalwood
  • Orange wood oil
  • Activated charcoal
  • Sorbic acid
This stuff does an amazing job at absorbing oil. I'm not a fan of the scent (floral almost) but I can deal with it. It looks like there's mica (brown sparkle) in it although that's not listed in the ingredients. It's not noticeable on my hair but I none the less would prefer it wasn't in it just because I don't want to breathe anything shimmery. The powder is like a brown- white on my hair but meshes into my hair well. The container mists out powder when you press down which is very handy. Sometimes it will stop misting powder after a few pumps but if I flip it upside down it will mist out powder again.

I have every type of dry shampoo but this is the one I like the most. It performs. Highly recommend if you're looking for a natural option.

The Takesumi Detox Overnight Dry Shampoo retails for $32 CAD on well.ca and the KaiaNaturals.com.

*pr sample and affiliate link used.

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