BACKGROUND: I've always had a chapped bottom lip. I've never, ever, had a chapped upperlip. I only the EOS honeydew flavour.
On November 29, I developed a tight scabby-like thing on my upper lip. It looked horrible. It was red, dry and tight. Eventually the scab fell off, yet the skin underneath was still read, hard, and tight. I never got anything like this.
I've never had a cold sore, but I thought it might be the beginning of one, even though I didn't have the symptoms off one. (Cold sores also don't last a month and a half and they are painful)
It was so strange. I started to use petroleum and it improved a little. But I still was using my EOS often. Then I started using just EOS again, because I didn't like how petroleum made my lips feel dehydrated when it wore off.
The tight, red hard crust returned week, after week, after week.
I started to Google vitamin deficiencies, cold sores and lip cancer.
I went to the doctor, to see what it was and get a check up. We debated for a while, and he insisted it was not a cold sore. He said it was dry skin or an allergy to lipstick or something. I wasn't buying it completely.I never had an allergy and who gets a reaction to a natural lip balm! By this point, it was starting to itch. I started putting EOS above my lip line to sooth the itch, and the redness and rawness spread above my lip line. I noticed a tingle when eos touched my upper lip, where it was bad. Sometimes it felt like I had fluid coming from the bad spot.
So I stop using EVERYTHING on my lips. They feel horrible. They are dry and cracking, but the rash-thing on my upper lip looks much better.
I log onto facebook, see a huge article of EOS causing lip rashes and blisters. A class action lawsuit had been filed against EOS. The pictures looked similar to what I had, just way worse and spread far around the lip. It clicked in.
EOS is my lipbalm. It caused this lip problem.

The two pictures below this is what I had for weeks. It felt tight and hard. The texture of my lip was changed. The picture below is from two days go, when it got bad. I think it might have blistered. I stopped picking at it and touching it.
I'm shocked that I got this reaction. I've been reading lip sites and noticed a lot of people saying out of no where they got a reaction to products like EOS. I've used EOS for 2 years. I don't think it' a moisturising product, but that's what I used.
Point is, even natural things can cause trouble.
UPDATE: Penaten magically cured my lip! Our house hold Penaten I swear is, 18 years old. Worked like a charm. My lip healed after two days of applications!!
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