Ere Perez Beetroot Cheek & Lip Tint (No Silicones, Mica etc)

The Ere Perez Beetroot Cheek & Lip Tint is created with simple ingredients but packs a punch with performance. The pigmentation is super strong but it can be sheered out or diluted to give the tint the name implies.

šŸ—ø Silicone free
šŸ—ø Pigment free
šŸ—ø Water based
šŸ—ø Pigmented with vegetable
šŸ—ø Natural af
šŸ—ø Last all day

When people think of lip stain they might think sheer but this is very pigmented which I prefer. The smallest amount is needed to make my cheeks or lips tint red. I can also customize it in multiple ways by blending it with emollients, lipbalms or foundations. This makes it even easier to work with. This is a nice for acne-prone cheeks like mine as the ingredients are super non-comedogenic. A layer of this is also so thin. It's not heavy like a cream. It's as light as water. The ingredients are also super clean so if you're looking for something completely natural, this is for you.

Thou shall apply this on top of foundation or moisturized cheeks. Never on bare/dry skin or pure facial oil.

I recommend you become familiar with this product before you apply it for some high-stake event or something. You need to be familiar with it because it's so pigmented, stains skin and sets fast. You can't easily undo mistakes but you can easily avoid them with practice. I'm totally comfortable dabbing it straight on my face and blending it with a finger now.

Shade Joy
This shade gives you the type cheek flush similar to intense blushing. A lot of people opt to reduce this type of redness on their cheeks but I think it's lovely when strategically placed. If you're tan to deep skintone, this should work amazing as a tint for you!

If you will be using this as a cheek stain.

Step 1: Your base must be very moisturized. You'll want to have a moisturizer and creamy foundation on. I can't image blending this out on a matte foundation

Step 2: Dot the smallest dot on your cheek. Blend in right away. Do 1 cheek at a time, 1 dot at a time.

Tip: Mix a drop of foundation with a drop of red tint to create a softened red or peach. Don't mix on your hand or it will stain it. 

Tip 2: Try to use brush to blend because it will stain your finger red.

Tip 3: Try mixing with a drop of moisturizer or primer to prolong blend time. Oil won't work.

Tip 4: Use it to stain your lips!

This retails for $26 on the Detox Market and $33 CAD on Freepeople. I was pleasantly surprised with this price. I'll probably invest in it when I run out!

*pr sample. Affiliate links used.

Silicone free blush. Blush for acne prone skin. edible makeup. organic blush. liquid blush. blush made out of beetroot. healthy makeup. makeup for cancer patients. Makeup for compromised immune systems.naturally dyed makeup. tinted lips. korean tinted lips. k beauty. pony blush makeup. red blush. blush for deep skin. blush for black women.

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